Nov 14, 2019

Why we believe in spiritual gurus with so much faith?

It is mostly so because it is ingrained in us by our ancient culture.

We in India all grow up in a mystical culture that is uniquely respectful to our ancestral and ethnic belief system. Of course it is similarly true for other cultures around the world too. But more so here.
Thus, wrongly or rightly we all grow up faithfully believing in some ethereal thing or the other, under the aegis of some spiritual guru or the other.

We all grow up within a believing social milieu.

Hence, even though the person through whom we were handed down this peculiar thought process or belief system may have been held and proven to be rather misguided or so very wrong, people just are unable to let go.

For a very long time, maybe a lifetime, the believing lot that has become habitual to it, keeps holding dear even the absolutely fabricated, false and fanciful teachings of an alleged ‘great self-realized’ guru’ or a self-anointed avatar or a self-proclaimed messiah.

People cannot let go habits. They inbreed in us like rabbits.

More or less, it is our deep faith-based societal learning and leaning which later on proves to be our undoing. And we keep failing and floundering in the same quagmire over and over again.

We in India are for the most part a deeply believing lot.

The Census of 2011 undertaken by the Government of India and published in 2015, proves it so fully and factually. For, as per this officially released governmental data, out of a total population of 1.21 billion (in 2011) only 0.24% of Indians went on record to say that they were non-religious.

As per the official data itself more than 99% of Indians are religious.

Furthermore, the PEW Research Center based in U.S.A., in its 2015 survey found that 8 out of 10 Indians i.e. more than a billion+ people of India, hold religion to be a very important part and parcel in their lives.

No wonder spiritual gurus are believed in with such faith; even blind faith!

The most recent UN data estimates that the 2019 population of India is 1.37 billion approximately. It means that 1 of every 6 people on the planet lives in India. There is 1 birth every second, and 3 deaths every 3 seconds in our country. As per the 2015 figure released by the ‘UNESCO Institute of Statistics’, the Adult LITERACY RATE of India is 72.1%, and the youth literacy is 86.1%.

So, no matter how backward India may be Indians are yet rather educated.

That being so, the question naturally arises thereof as to why, despite being educated, do most people yet believe blindly in silly superstitions and nonsensical uttering or littering of many a little-minded, little-some guru of India?

Perhaps it so because people in general do not have the answers to ‘That Which Is’. In other words, human beings are rather fragile beings, knowing little of where we come from, whither we go, and whereof we have been.

Not knowing the answers to ‘What Is’, most of us in one way or another and unsuspectingly or unknowingly fall prey to many a charlatan along the way; who proclaims he is in the know of the Alpha and the Omega.

In the West, this nutty kind of an individual is prone to self-anoint one’s self with messianic pretensions. In the East many a self-proclaimed Buddha is apt to make a ‘buddhu’, a fool out of people. In our dear beloved native land, self-declared avatars or the so-called incarnation of this or that goddess or god abound. Like a blood hound, they are ever ready to milk us dry, out of our well earned money and till then our rather well kept mind. And this unsavory kind, in this or that robe is always lurking nearby, or around.

Of late many notorious ‘babas’ or god-men in India, and priests of this or that kind abroad, have been widely reported to have sexually abused minor children of their own flock and following. What is surprising is that even many of the educated followers of these devilish deviants still hold that the same god-men have been mischievously framed and wrongfully blamed!

Stranglehold of even bad spiritual gurus over people is beyond belief.

What is the way out of it? How may we rid the society of these bad apples, seemingly always present within the spiritual traditions of each and every faith? Is it really possible to do so, or is it merely an over-simple wishful thinking, and rather staid?

Frankly, the only way out of this sorry state of spiritual affairs is to raise our own metaphysical knowledge and awareness to a much deeper and a higher level. And thereafter or thereupon also seek the Truth ourselves - but under an able master and guru.

That being so, one may logically wonder as how can then one be sure that one’s chosen spiritual preceptor is really a true guru, and enlightened one at that? Does it not make one fall all over again into the abyss of blind belief? For, mostly it is thus the very case that in general a spiritual aspirant is first and foremost asked to believe in a particular faith or fella rather moronically and mindlessly, before one is expected to see the results tellingly and tangibly.

Believing is easy. ‘Knowing’, so uneasy.

Therefore, most people believe. And hold faith dear.

The one who makes one believe so deeply in faith than reason, is usually a bodily being, a person. This one may call himself a messiah and an avatar or a guru. In time this seemingly righteous one, who makes a believer and a spiritual aspirant a similarly zealous one as himself, such a person becomes hallowed a big name, with far fetched claims. The poor and simple follower unwittingly becomes bewitched with, and thenceforth, beholden to this ‘lost’ one, if not a nutty one.

It is a vicious cycle.

Very few people are able to outgrow or overcome it.

Personally, I would advise a sincere spiritual aspirant to willfully nurture a vegetarian lifestyle and keep on with one’s endeavors, meditations and prayers by oneself - till fate finds, and karma make one meet the guru who can show him or her the Way.

Believe not blindly in nobody, and in nothing! Better a skeptical and a sagacious non-believer than a silly and a stupid blind believer!

May all be blessed with the Way.

Jul 1, 2019

Do all religions share a similar concept of soul?


In these modern times truth must be told as it is, not in proverbs or rhymes.

So, truth be told, sorrily and sadly so Semitic religions and their offshoots have not a whiff or tad of an idea about the actual composition of the soul or the real nature of consciousness.

Be it Christianity or Judaism or Islam or their derivative cults, none among them has an inkling about what lies beyond the physical being of a human. They have absolutely no knowledge about the innate structural composition or ‘make’ of our innate ‘am-ness’ and ‘is-ness’ i.e. about the soul and consciousness.

Semitic isms hold that a human like physicality is God.

This humanoid is their racial, tribal and regional deity. The said ‘physical’ godly gentleman, their mythical manlike ‘father’ in ‘heaven’, is believed to have created a physical place like hell and heaven, as this empirical earth. And of course this same man-like entity is said to have created the humankind from out of mud etc. And later on, in a fit of rage, had booted out the silly man and his woman from heaven, and sort of sent them down to earth. This came to be because the stupid man ate the fruit of knowledge, on the egging of the silly wily woman. And this fact their jealous god could not digest!

Of course, this same ‘kind’ godly figure, as an afterthought, gave the hapless animals etc. to these imbecilic homo sapiens to lord over, and kill and eat the same to their heart’s content. As though the life and the horrific pain inflicted upon these so-called lower species is of no concern at all. For, to this Christian deity and his followers, the animals are but meat, and nothing more than inert matter. Hence, do not matter!

Thus held, it seems the god of Christianity has no concept of soul.

The followers of Semitic isms are not only discouraged from thinking for themselves but didactically told that to do so i.e. to question what has been penned down in their simplistic religious literature, is to blasphemy. And in fact, such an act, even in thought, is but going against God.

Hence, the Christian people are egged on and encouraged to not move an inch beyond the simple concept and precept of their bookish myth. It is the truth, and so be it!

The biblical view is unable to perceive above and beyond the physical aspect of existence. Bodily being of living things, to their deity and laity, is the real thing.

They think that the seen and structured empirical being is the only entirety and entity. And so assume that this very physical entity is by its very self - in the shape and form of a man or a woman - is ‘carried on’ unto the hereafter, after death.

As to what lies Within - that which makes a being alive, namely, consciousness and soul - about this metaphysical aspect neither their holy book nor their god has a clue.

Semitic cults worship a myth.

Their regional and racial mythology is their religious truth.

To this cultural deity they attribute higher powers, as and when they can or could. Thus holding, they fancy themselves to be endowed with the highest truth; which, by the way, comes from some kind of a force or fella behind a bush!

This mythological fairy tale they consider to be their religious duty to shove down every body else’s throat. Mostly by sword, as we learn from history. At other times, especially in the present times when conquering other people by force cannot be openly done and is not condoned, the same is accomplished otherwise - by pompous propaganda and pooh-poohing the beliefs of other people; who, of course are all of us, the infidels!

Christianity, and its interconnected Semitic ideologies, are based on blind belief. These isms are not founded upon one’s self realization and own self discovery about the Origin of things.

That is, a personal metaphysical journey of fact-finding about the Divine Truth and Ultimate Reality by using one’s own god-given brain and inner spiritual grain, is a strict no-no and an absolute taboo for the adherents of all Semitic religions, more so and especially of Christianity.

These poor people have to but blindly believe and hold true that which has been told them by their stone-age minded ancestors. And by similarly other fancied messianic entities - whether it is the unreal and unscientific idea of the earth standing still, or the sun rotating around it!

Not for them is to seek and find by their very own self as to what is or is not the truth and reality of the cosmic essence and existence.

To Christians, their handed down cultural and racial myth is the truth.

This kind of non-intellectual and irrational attitude further discourages a personal search of and about That Which Is.

Consequently, and effectively, because of  being dictatorially barred from an incisive, in depth and an independent intellectual and metaphysical pursuit by one’s own self, the people of Semitic faiths seem to have fallen behind in gaining a higher metaphysical perspective and knowledge of the nature of the human soul and spirit, as too the conspicuously present and undeniable inner consciousness within us.

Christians think the physical bodily being survives death, and enters an empirical heaven, wherein they will physically live forever. And that they will thus live eternally along with their near and dear ones in this imagined heaven - all because they all profess a belief in their fancied idea of Jesus, the person, being God himself.

Of course, all others, the non-believers as you and I, are to be cast into hell. Supposedly we of every other kith and kind are but fit only to burn therein forever, unto eternity. And physically so, with our bodily human-like structure and being in tact.

Thus, as such Christianity has really and truly no idea or concept of the soul as being a metaphysical entity entirely separate from our physical being.

It seems, to the Christians the soul is a permanent physical entity in the make and image of the human self. Therefore, de facto it is the bodily being of the human-self itself. And that it, this very physical person and soul, suffers in hell or enjoys heaven.

Their god too is a human-like entity, just like they are.

The ‘Holy Spirit’ or ‘Holy Ghost’ that is their ‘Heavenly Father’, he also is such. For, in turn, this 3–in-1 god of Christianity is held to be very much the bodily form and physical being of Jesus.
So, better believe the Christian lore lest you’re cast unto eternal hell-fire, love!

The self-realized truth and metaphysical reality of That Which Is, as discovered by the sufis, yogis and free mystics of the world - outside of Semitic faiths - is the exact opposite of what the common lot of Christians in general hold true.


The body dies. The divine ‘is-ness’ within, does not.

Let us, for the time being, call it soul.

This said ‘am-ness’ of ‘is-ness’ - the conscious soul, so to say - keeps birthing and dying, as an empirical entity, lower or higher. This goes on ad infinitum. Until of course the time comes when it is blessed by Divine Grace. Or it by itself realizes that verily it is not separate from ‘That’ which is the IT of the Eternal Source; in turn, which, by itself is THAT WHICH IS.

Let us, for now, call this, ‘It’, God.

In other words, as the core and crux of its primordial essence within the ‘I AM’ of our innate empirical structural make-up and bodily being, abides the ethereal IT-NESS of Universal / Cosmic Consciousness.

It is the ever-alive, ever conscious eternal essence of Whatsoever Is.

As an empirical fact, eventually this is exactly what a worthy seeker of That Which Is / God finds, as the Final or End Reality.

That it, the ‘chosen one’ among the seekers of What Is, in due karmic time by self discovers physically and literally that one’s innate essence and consciousness are ‘ONE’ with the ‘THAT’ of WHAT IS.

(As has been told afore, this self-realization process is akin a drop of water within the sea coming by the final understanding and self-realization that verily it by self is H2O, which in turn is also the fathering and mothering principle of the sea).

And that whatsoever exists is but a wholeness, a oneness. In ‘it’, there is no this or that, nor any creator nor created- as a matter of fact.

All is ‘One’. As whole of the Whole. One Whole.

It seems that the Christians think the soul and the human bodily self are one and the same. Alternatively, the enlightened perspective of the higher metaphysics is that the human being and entity is like the outer garment, while the soul is the real thing which survives the death of the bodily human form.

Hence, self-realized sages of non-Christian tradition tell us that it is not the human being by itself but the ‘is-ness’, the soul within it, which takes on a bodily form and experiences this earthly life.

Yet, even this worldly experience is akin the wave going through the motions of ups and downs within its own essence, of the ocean. In fact it is but water playing with itself, as both the wave and the sea. For both the created and its creator are but water i.e. H2O. Thus it means that it is but the ocean (creator) playing with its own wave-self (creation). So, actually nothing is going on - as the water is but engaged in play-acting with itself, as H2O.

Similarly understood, it must be comprehended by discerning seekers that all existence is one whole. Its eternal essence is forever engaged in a divine play. Of the ocean-like higher self (universal soul) playing with its wave-like lower self (human soul). And vice versa.

The moment - in enlightenment / self realization / god realization /revelation - it comes to pass as a physical self-experience that in fact nothing is going on in existence but the cosmic essence eternally toying with its own self, the “I and my Father are One” is grasped as the ULTIMATE TRUTH and REALITY.

This ever ETERNALLY CONSCIOUS SELF ESSENCE is both the soul-self as well as the universal self. IT, in quintessence, is both the created and the Creator. It is One. As both the Essence within us, as too of the Cosmos and the Universe. It is the lower as well the higher self. Nay! In fact all is one self.

Therefore, no soul but all soul is! All one is! No other than ‘it’ is.

Nothing is separate from the other, in Essence. So, be it Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or what have you, all are none other than each other!

Thus, viewed from a ‘single eye’, the enlightened perspective is - when I see you, I see no other than me! Now, if I am you, who are you?

To so find is the Final Goal.

O’ soul of souls.

May 3, 2019

What happens to trillions and millions of life like ants, mosquitoes, etc. other than human beings when they die? Will they have rebirth too?

The essential make and substratum of all life is identical.

Such is the metaphysical self-experience of the higher lot of sages, yogis, sufis and free mystics of ancient times. Of India at least.

In this gnosis or ultimate ‘knowing’, the highest knowledge so gained in the stateless state of enlightenment and revelation manifests that in fact what so ever is, nothing but One is.

That is to say that by one’s own ‘Self’ it is thus known and discovered that at the basic core and crux, at the fundamental and essential quantum level, in the ‘make’ or ‘make-up’ of our essence, there is nary a difference between this or that.

In other words, and sorry to disappoint and let down the holier-than-thou nuts of all isms and faiths, factually and truthfully there exists no so-called ‘lower’ or ‘higher’ life here or ‘up there’ as such. For, all is OneThere’. In the Alpha and the Omega. As the Absolute.

The Absolute is forever an indivisible, infinite, changeless oneness.

This Absolute or First Principle, call it the God Particle if you so prefer, is forever the Formless Oneness of the ‘That’ of Which Is. It gives rise to all the witnessed phenomena of forms. And when the time comes for that which has been formed or is visible to us as a physical entity - the worldly, earthly, human, animal form - to die; then, the same go back unto the Formless Eternal Essence of What Is.

As would a wave rise, abate and so die unto the ocean; so do all forms.

However, as does not an oil drop merge or dissolve naturally unto the water, so too does not the karma of beings.

In other words, as per our deeds and thoughts, the forms of afore - living beings like us, higher or lower in physical likeness - lie dormant like drops of oil in water, as a seemingly separate entity. To be born again to die, and then be born again. Infinitum. Until of course this vicious cycle of birth and death is broken.

It may be ended if these physical entities realize by their own stupid self that they are not any different in their soul-essence from That Which Is.

Thus this seemingly unavoidable cycle of unending birthing and so dying and then again re-birthing and re-dying ad infinitum, can be broken down. It could come about by the god-gifted good fortune of our own good deeds. Or by living a godly, a non-vegetarian and a non violent life style. It my even happen by praying, worshiping and by meditation etc. It also may bless us in the form of our karmic due. Or by Divine Grace.

This is the fate of all living beings.

It includes us the self-centered silly dumb human beings. As too the so imagined and thought of ‘lower things’ akin the trillions and millions of life-forms like that of ants, mosquitoes etc.

As per the metaphysical ‘knowing’ and understanding of Indian sages and free mystics of ancient times, those who have done real bad deeds in their previous lives are born again and die so again and yet again as ‘lower life forms’ - as keet-patanga i.e. as ants/flies/mosquitoes etc. Till of course, as per their karmic due, at the given time, it all ends.

 Yet it must be understood well by a seeker of What Is that quintessentially and metaphysically there is nary a difference in that which is life; be it of the so-called higher or lower one. For there is but only ONE LIFE.

So, it may be said that we humans are no better or different in make and essence than anything else - be it ants, mosquitoes, lizards, bees etc.

All is One.

This indivisibility and infinity of oneness that flows through us all as our self and soul, is identically self-experienced by all enlightened ones and the god-realized sages and saints of every era and age.

Those who do not know of ‘It’ thus, the ‘That’ of Which Is, know not God.

Oneness of all that is, is the Only God.

There is no other godly entity or physicality up there other than a beginning-less and an endless inseparability and unified wholeness of infinity.

The final knowing is that no fancied and favourite personal gods, yours or mine, exist anywhere; here or there!

Only One is. Everywhere.

Hence, respect all life. Or you shall be babying a barren woman’s unborn baby! An untruth. This the only metaphysical truth.

May all pluck out non-knowledge, as one would a rotten tooth.

Mar 28, 2019

What is the ultimate, the pristine and pure truth, as per Hinduism?

The pristine and purest Ultimate Truth as per Hinduism is that ‘ALL IS ONE’.

Everything else or other than it, is but an explanation of it. All the scriptures, philosophies, isms etc. of India are but its exposition.

Spiritually of India is thus. More or less.

And for that matter, even scientifically, the ultimate reality is such.

That is, if modern science were to catch up to it - the Absolute of All That Is, as self-realized by the ancient Indian seers and sages. Then, it too would find that there is no other absolute reality than it.
A unified singularity of eternity, unto everything as everything, in indivisible unity, is the eternal reality.

All is an infinite and an indivisible wholeness and oneness.

It is the everlasting truth and reality of each and every little thing. It is the ‘thing’ of things. It is IT!
This eternal, infinite and inseparable immanence of the Whole, is the invincible, indestructible primordial Essence of All.

Call ‘it’ the soul of all, the universal soul, god, or nothing at all. Thus is the nitty-gritty of it all. It is the gist and genesis of the Source et all.

This immanence of permanence runs in the veins as though of the cosmos, the universal phenomena, including the transient and the impermanent.

‘It’ is everything, of everybody.

Of you, and I. And yeah, even of your infidel buddy!

In all simplicity, thus is the quintessential and eternal truth of ‘Sanatana Dharma: the Eternal Religion. And to so seek and find the ‘It’ of Which Is, thus is the pristine and postulated duty and dharma of every Indian - nay! of all people on earth, irrespective of their religion or ism.

It is also simplistically and colloquially referred to as Hinduism.

So, salute the soil of your motherland, where you’re born!

For hither, not thither! You’ll the Truth be shown; which, by the way, to most of the world and to billions of it inhabitants, remains unknown.

One, and oneness is all.

There is nothing more - to seek, or find. So, seek That Which Is. And if it be your karmic due, in this very birth, you’ll find none but One.

Thereafter live and die, accordingly.

Chill out. Say, bye bye birdie!

And you’d have won. Are done!

Feb 17, 2019

How can we 'awaken' the KUNDALINI?

Kundalini is the ‘Son of God’ or the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ within us.
It is the mystical ‘serpent’ that has to be ‘lifted up’ / awakened / ‘raised up’ from slumber - to get the Truth of the Absolute within us. To reach God, as if.
The yogis tell us that this seed or son of the Source lies dormant at the bottom of our spine, near our genital area. It is said to lie thereof, at the base of our spinal column, in a deep sleep or somnolence as though - until roused by us.
Or so is done for us naturally by the Grace of the Divine.
It is the cosmic stuff or matter from which our own life and that of the universe is formed; and thereafter, birthed into being as a manifest entity to behold.
It is the soul of our core and crux.
So, what preparations must the seeker make to rouse or awaken the kundalini?
I could repeat for you what the yogis or the yogic texts say. But this much you can get from reading ancient yogic books from India. At least the theory of it.
Hence, I will not pen down the above said bookish knowledge over here.
Alternatively, I will give you some practical advice and information out of that which I have learnt and gathered from my own personal experience of kundalini awakening. It will cut down the non-essentials. It will speed up the process.
In fact, I will make it very, very simple for you.
At the very onset - FORGET ABOUT KUNDALINI!
It shall rise up and awaken by itself if you do as follows:-
  1. Leave eating non-vegetarian. For, all life is One Life.
  2. Sit straight. Do not slouch or lie down in ‘shava asna’ i.e. in a sleeping position, lest you fall asleep. That you will, in time.
  3. Do some ‘pranayama’ or breathing exercises. It will bring stability.
  4. Chant your mantra (s) if you have any, with closed or eyes open. Preferably with eyes closed. The latter activity gets better results.
  5. Concentrate without tension, in a natural manner, ‘loosely’ so at the space between the eyebrows (gyna chakra).
  6. Bow deeply, within. Concept free, without attachment to whatever you have learned about kundalini, god or religion etc. Be detached from your favourite and fanciful ideas of and about Which Is i.e. God or Self-Realization or Revelation etc.
  7. Keep repeating the whole process. Over and over again, everyday. Until Divine Grace dawns. Then, kundalini will rise by itself. Without you having to do anything.
In a nutshell, all you have to do is to be a humble, a hungry and a thirsty seeker and devotee of Divine Reality - whatsoever it be.
For until it happens, self-realization, none comprehends fully That Which Is.
  • Do not get attached to any visions or sounds etc. that come about. And they will, if your karmic due it is. For, they will blind you, make you dumb, and bind you.
  • Do not get discouraged. Keep going. Observe. Detached.
  • Do not get puffed up if during meditative state you witness a godly figure, especially your familial-familiar deity of your own particular region-race-religion.
  • Do not be unnecessarily fascinated by matters in-between. Know that all sounds and visions of any kind, your imagined or imbibed ones, die a natural death as you advance on the Path.
  • Do not get frightened of or attached to any seemingly abnormal or paranormal ‘happenings’. Your body too may shake. Other things too will happen. Your ears may ‘ring’. You will ‘see’ much, even with eyes closed. Worry not about a thing. There are miles to go! They mean nothing. They will come, and go. Fear nothing!
You are the sired of, and in the ‘make’ of the Absolute!
All the best. Be resolute.
It may be pertinent to mention here that anyone who has had even a little bit of the self-experience of KUNDALINI will in all probability ‘overcome’ and ‘rise above’ all distinctions of caste, creed and country; of race, religion and region; of man, woman and gender inequality; of difference betwixt any ‘lower’ or ‘higher’ life, of there being any ‘beast’/animal life and silly human life, between ‘this’ and ‘that’ life - whether of friend, family or foe!
In fact, anyone who witnesses ‘All That Isafter kundalini awakening, he or she loses and lets go all such simplistic ideas of ‘mine’ and ‘thine’; which, we as insipid and stupid humans have egoistically and egotistically imbibed from our ‘worldly’ and ‘earthly’ knowledge - be it of our superstitious ancestors, or from today’s this-that all-knowing Joe!
Why does this happen?
It happens because kundalini or the ‘wise serpent of God’, once woken up from slumber as if, by itself - owing to its inherent ‘holy ghost’ - brings in the self-experience of the Source of What Is: of the Absolute or God as though. Hereof All is the Whole, and the Whole is One. Thereof none is other than ‘One’.
And whosoever sees One, does so as One - is ‘One’.
To this ‘Tree of Knowledgeawakens us the kundalini. Welcome!

Jan 7, 2019

Are Indians pro LGBT?

 Frankly, no.

For the facts enumerated in the latest Census of India (2011) make it absolutely, perfectly and perceptively clear that taken as a whole, an overwhelming majority of the people of India does not at all support the ill-conceived and unenlightened practice of homosexuality, lesbianism and bisexuality etc.

As to why it is so, to that aspect we will come later on.

Let the facts speak for themselves, for now.

In the latest available statistics on religion - which are of the 2011 Census, made public on 25th August 2015 by the government of India - for the very first time since the Independence of India, a new category of “no religion” was added to the said survey and its statistics.

As per this released data, out of a total population of 1.21 billion (in 2011) only 0.24% of India is presumably non-religious.

Derivative thereof, it could thus be considered that these people either do not follow any particular religion, or alternatively, fall under the category of non-believers, atheists, skeptics etc. In other words, this minuscule percentage of the Indian population, could very well be said to be actually and factually not practicing any formal religion as such. But it does not mean that these very same people may not be following some other kind of a spiritual path or a free mystical practice than that could not be formally listed under a religious faith or considered to be one of the major or minor religions of India.

The major religions of India are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism. A small number of Zoroastrians and some other religious minorities - constituting approximately 0.67% of the population - are also listed in the 2011 Census of India.

The orthodox and well laid down traditional view of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, as found and is well known from their holy scriptures - from unimpeachable written records - is not only vehemently and violently opposed to homosexuality and lesbianism but also seeks death for those following this kind of a considered hedonistic lifestyle.

On May 25th 1999, in a recorded public interview, the Dalai Lama made clear that homosexuality etc. cannot be condoned in Buddhism.

Hinduism, though not seeking death penalty for homosexual behaviour, too does not in any way approve of it.

As early as 350–450- B.C. it was laid down in the ancient Hindu scriptural text Dharmasutra of Apastambha (1:19:15) as follows:

A man who ejaculates his semen in any place other than the vagina becomes equal to a thief, equal to a murderer of a Brahmin.”

The ancient scripture Manusmriti which was penned down in 200 B.C. - though traditionally said to have been written in 1500–2000 B.C. - considers homosexuality etc. as “an unnatural offense”, causing one to fall from one’s high state of birth (11:68).

As for lesbianism, Manusmriti (8:370-371) advocates tonsuring the offending woman’s head, cutting off her two fingers and parading her on a donkey in front of the entire community.

In the holy book of Sikhism, in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, though no mention of any such act as homosexuality etc. is made in written, the natural state of being (sahaj) is advocated for God-realization. Therefore, no sagacious and spiritually inclined member of the Sikh community would ever even think of condoning lesbianism or homosexuality. Frankly, and generally speaking, the Sikhs scoff at it.

Now, from 2011 Census of India we already know that 99.79% (minus 0.24%, who say they have ‘no religion’ per se) of Indians are rather very religious in nature, in their living and lifestyle.

In its 2015 survey, the PEW Research Center, based in U.S.A., recorded that 8-in-10 Indians (out of the 1.31 in 2015) said religion is very important in their lives.

Hence, close to 1,048,000,000 or approximately 1.05 billion Indians (in 2015) held that religion is a vital component and a sine qua non in their life and living.

In other words, this humongous religious populace in India to whom religion is extremely important in its life - being true followers of one’s own particular religion - would most likely abide by and similarly hold that whatever their specific faith postulates, be it in the matter of such acts as HOMOSEXUALITY & LESBIANISM etc., it is to be upheld, and followed to the farthest extent, come what may.

Of course a few among them being a bit more liberal minded may not be so strict in judging the LESBIANS, GAYS and the BISEXUALS. But in general, since their religion specifically teaches so, more or less the people too believe what their religion teaches. Otherwise they would not be following it.

So, empirical facts tell us that INDIANS ARE NOT PRO LGBT.

Very recently the Supreme Court of India decriminalized certain sections of Article 377 regarding imprisonment for homosexuality etc., though not the portions that concern pedophilia or bestiality.
Yet it is apparent from the available self-explanatory empirical data provided above, that on the whole the vast majority of people of India neither approve of nor advocate any acts of homosexuality, lesbianism or bisexuality etc.

It may also be interesting to note that in the afore said case in the Supreme Court, in the affidavit filed by the Ministry of Health, it was submitted that “The population of Men who have Sex with Men was estimated to be 25 lakh in India.” Thus, even if extending the number all that much more to include the lesbians etc., still the number of LGBT community would stay very, very small.

This troubled lot though tiny, trouble themselves more, and then so many.

Anyway, on a metaphysical level too such sexual acts are considered a silly and a simplistic mistake, at the very least an aberration, and a fall from Grace.

This is so because in SELF REALIZATION it is found that the Essence of each and everything in existence is ONE.

From ‘It’, this ONENESS, manifests all that is, whatsoever it is.

We keep birthing, dying and are reborn time and again in a never ending vicious cycle because in dual-consciousness the human mind and being has been misled and thus mistakenly learned over time that we are a separate entity from the Whole.

The birthed soul, under an illusion of dual-consciousness, forgets that it is One with, and never separated from That Which Is.

Again, in this illusory world of duality, the poor human being yet gets all the more entangled in the snare and allure of its monkey-mind.

It, the human brain, somehow tricks the humankind to think it is this and that - including not being the human entity as she or he is naturally born.

Thus is birthed the illusion of one being who one is not!

First of all, we are not mere some bodily beings. We are a spiritual state of non-being. Secondly, we are not just beings. We are beyond being.

We are in fact the ‘That’ of What Is.

In quintessence, at the core of our being this ‘is-ness’ of the Immanent Source in us - unknown to us thus far - is our TRUE IDENTITY.

Therefore, sexuality is an illusory state.

Already burdened by the duality-conscious state of mind in this birthed entity, some frail people become doubly troubled and ensnared by another set of tomfoolery and disunity i.e. homosexuality etc.

In Essence, we are neither a man nor a woman; or even an entity.

We are the Infinite, Immanent Eternity itself.

Thus the Awakened find. In enlightenment, at the End, no this-that or sexuality is. Not even uni-sexuality is. All that exists a DIVINE UNITY is!

To this end, to understand that we are IT, are we born.

Therefore, to become all the more little, by taking up this or that duplicitous identity, is to lose ‘It’: the Ultimate Truth and Reality of What Is.

To attain it - the Absolute Truth - we have to break all our chains, be it of the mind or of spirit. We have to purposefully and resolutely free ourselves from the entails of all our inculcated concepts, imbibed isms and even get rid of some of the imbecilic teachings somehow left meandering in own inherited religions - truth be told.

Besides it, thinking and doing otherwise - folly fully fancying oneself to be what in essence one is not - is to but getting needlessly and unnecessarily entangled in the devil’s horns.

We have to learn to be more. And be Whole. ~_~


Silence must not be taken for approval.

As in today’s time, even in the ancient times people were rather reluctant to talk about such matters as homosexuality etc. For it was either too embarrassing a matter or is an act of such a lowly and a ‘lower’ kind that spiritual people in general just stay away from talking about it.

Thus, it must not be assumed LGBT has any sanction whatsoever of the Indian populace. Or that the people just do not give a crap about it. They do. Very much so. The facts stated above speak for themselves.

Come to think of it, I too would not have spoken about it.

But then, like the readers, I am from these modern times. I have the privilege of having had one of the best basic and advanced education my parents and my motherland could provide. Hence, like other people of today, for or against any matter, I stand. And speak.

The metaphysically aware would be wise to keep on the Way, without getting distracted by erroneous ways of those who stray.

Ponder over it.

May all be healthy, wealthy and wise. ~_~