Jan 4, 2018

Some people are born in rich families and they do nothing. Why do some others have to struggle their whole lives?

Any which way given, rich or poor, human life is a divine blessing.
Metaphysically speaking, the one even though born rich, and yet not “getting” the Truth of What Is, is poorest of the poor. And another, born poor, is the richest of the rich, if he struggles hard spiritually, and eventually, gets “It” - the Absolute of Which Is.
For, without the Ultimate Truth, ultimately, all’s a myth.
Believing “this”, the seen world, to be a firm reality and therefore actually realboth a rich and a poor man are equally foolish, and twits. Thus so, both are the most wretched of the wretch. Poorest of the poorest.
Why so? Because this “here” is a make-believe.
In the search of “It” - the Source of All That Is - the blessed spiritual freethinkers and freemystics around the world “self-realize” that at the End, all “this” that we see as real, ends as though it were a pretense!
In simple words, the spiritual seeker whose “karmic due” it is this time, self-witnesses the “projected” reality - the world, and the life and things in it - physically ceasing to existAll this and that we think exists, becomes “shakti” (immortal power essence of own-self), and then, a no-thing-ness. And lo! “discovers” the “It” of self as the Self of All. This is the truest of riches!
Hence, finding the Self-Essence to to be the Immortal Infinite Eternity of All That Be, the now Enlightened One ceases to be a this or that - rich or poor. For, the End Reality is that the Universal Self in and us, is everything that is!
Thus, “It”, the “life” of our life, bestows its self with whole of the Whole.
We go through this life, being born poor or rich, becoming this or that, for better or worse. Yet, “all this” means not a thing! For, it is just a transient thing - a no thing that’s nothing! Is just a falsity of a mirage, projecting itself to be the elixir, when it is not even water but a water-less untruth.
That is, the transcendental reality is that in actuality, at the quantum level the life we live, the world we see, the living and dying we perceive “here”, is a “non” and a nothing in quintessence. Even now, at this very instant “all this” is not!
In the nitty-gritty of things, all things are a no-thing.
Therefore, though owing to good or bad karma of afore, one may be born rich or poor. But it means nothing if we do not “awaken” to the reality of things. For, at the end of “things” is a Thing-in-Itself WITHIN YOU, which, is the SELF OF EVERYTHING.
It is neither poor nor rich, but “It”! Of everything. Beyond life and death.
Find it, and you’re rich. Lose it, and you’re poor little shit, even though rich!