Dec 3, 2017

What is the significance of humans in this extraordinary vast universe?

Failing to grasp the gist and gnosis of the Self, we’re insignificant. As a grain of dust.
On the other hand, were we to comprehend and ‘get’ the real ‘make’ of our Higher Self, then we are of immense significance in this ‘extraordinary vast universe’.
So, who are we? And what is our true identity, of the life within us - the Self?
Simple isms and and simplistic religions, especially those of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic fold propagate the lore that we’re made out of this or that mud etc. by a human-like physicality called Jehovah, or Allah. Also, that this fancied act - of making man, animals, flora and fauna, earth etc. out of the thin air - was somehow performed by this mean, misogynistic man-like entity a mere 6,000 years ago. And that before it, neither the earth nor the universe was in existence.
That it was - and millions of years-old human-like or animal remains etc. and billions of years-old rocks etc. - scientifically prove that the silly assumption of the the Universe and the Creation being a few thousand years-old is a simpletons’s fancy and falsity.
Again, scientism buffs would have us believe the baloney that our life-giving core and substratum arose out of ‘dead’ matter, as an aftermath of an unproven big bang, and thereafter, because of a chemical-mating of sorts!
The above-told theoretical and theological concepts are just make-believe.
That the universe has always existed, both the advanced scientists and the higher lot of spiritualist are nearing this better understanding.
Alternatively, the freemystics of the world, namely, that of ancient India, have always insisted that ‘all this’ - the universe and whatever else - is ever being made, and then, un-made. That it is an ever-expanding existence. Uncountable, and innumerable ‘big bang’-like phenomena are taking place every moment. Of universes and worlds coming into being, and ceasing to be! And that yet, after all is said and done, the end cosmic reality remains forever unaltered.
But what is the Eternal Cosmic Reality that the cocky fans of scientism and blind believers of simplistic isms and religions do not get, as an empirical experience and as an edible understanding?
It is that each thing is every thing!
In other words, at the fundamental substratum and quantum level, the ‘make’ of each and everything in the universe and the whole of existence, is identical and the same, is One. This is the fact-finding of the freemystics of the world. At all times, every time.
This is the Self that mystics self-realize, as the ‘It’ of the Whole of What Is.
This indefinable infinity is the immanence that is also the ‘It’, which permeates each and every aspect and entity in existence.
A perennial permanence is the life and essence of it all.
Therefore, it may be said, that it is a metaphysical reality that there is nary a difference in the ‘It’ of the minutest animal and the meanest entity and between your dear mama and your favourite aunty!
Essentially, it means that the microcosm and the macrocosm are unto each other, as we all have heard said at sometime or the other. It is the only truth, and reality found at the end, in enlightenment. In self-realization.
Either modern science catches up to it, or it will wallow in its mad scientism.
Hence, the significance of our human birth lies in either ‘getting’ the Ultimate Reality of What Is or not understanding it and not getting ‘It’ in the palm of one’s hand as if. Thus by the latter act, of failing to comprehend the Ultimate Truth of Existence, the human entity remains insignificant, in its mind and make.
The un-realized human loses out on the ‘It’ of All That Is. That the Self of the Universe is also the ‘It’ of our very own self. In Essence.
We are significant in this universe to the extent that we attain Self-Realization.
Not realizing that there is just One ‘I-ness’ as the ‘It’ of All, in our own thought and mind we are rendered insignificant. But comprehending that the whole of the universe is nothing but the very reality and the perennial truth in our own essence, we are at once One with ‘It’. And as significant as the Universal Self. For, it is also the life and line of our very own existence.
In short, we are the universe - literally!
Get so from science or spiritually, but do so eventually.
Or you shall live, and die in the false knowledge that we’re an insignificant human entity. And thus, not living and dying in our true identity. Of being the ‘It’ of the Universe, and vice-versa. Of being god as though!
For, there is no ‘two’ - a bifurcation, or a truncated substratum of the Universal Self.
All’s One. Undifferentiated, indivisible, inseparable, an immanent oneness - forever unbreakable, and unshakable. Ever satiated. Unto the Self. That is All. Of Whatsoever Is. Here, or there!
Hence, eventually, we are as significant as the universe itself.
In this endeavour of seeking, and so finding the highest truth and reality, none can help you, but you yourself. Free yourself from the lower understanding - of being insignificant. Of being just a tiny, tottering human. For, you are much, much more than you think you are. Seek, and so find the Self.
And thus live a life of abundant understanding, and significance.