Jul 1, 2019

Do all religions share a similar concept of soul?


In these modern times truth must be told as it is, not in proverbs or rhymes.

So, truth be told, sorrily and sadly so Semitic religions and their offshoots have not a whiff or tad of an idea about the actual composition of the soul or the real nature of consciousness.

Be it Christianity or Judaism or Islam or their derivative cults, none among them has an inkling about what lies beyond the physical being of a human. They have absolutely no knowledge about the innate structural composition or ‘make’ of our innate ‘am-ness’ and ‘is-ness’ i.e. about the soul and consciousness.

Semitic isms hold that a human like physicality is God.

This humanoid is their racial, tribal and regional deity. The said ‘physical’ godly gentleman, their mythical manlike ‘father’ in ‘heaven’, is believed to have created a physical place like hell and heaven, as this empirical earth. And of course this same man-like entity is said to have created the humankind from out of mud etc. And later on, in a fit of rage, had booted out the silly man and his woman from heaven, and sort of sent them down to earth. This came to be because the stupid man ate the fruit of knowledge, on the egging of the silly wily woman. And this fact their jealous god could not digest!

Of course, this same ‘kind’ godly figure, as an afterthought, gave the hapless animals etc. to these imbecilic homo sapiens to lord over, and kill and eat the same to their heart’s content. As though the life and the horrific pain inflicted upon these so-called lower species is of no concern at all. For, to this Christian deity and his followers, the animals are but meat, and nothing more than inert matter. Hence, do not matter!

Thus held, it seems the god of Christianity has no concept of soul.

The followers of Semitic isms are not only discouraged from thinking for themselves but didactically told that to do so i.e. to question what has been penned down in their simplistic religious literature, is to blasphemy. And in fact, such an act, even in thought, is but going against God.

Hence, the Christian people are egged on and encouraged to not move an inch beyond the simple concept and precept of their bookish myth. It is the truth, and so be it!

The biblical view is unable to perceive above and beyond the physical aspect of existence. Bodily being of living things, to their deity and laity, is the real thing.

They think that the seen and structured empirical being is the only entirety and entity. And so assume that this very physical entity is by its very self - in the shape and form of a man or a woman - is ‘carried on’ unto the hereafter, after death.

As to what lies Within - that which makes a being alive, namely, consciousness and soul - about this metaphysical aspect neither their holy book nor their god has a clue.

Semitic cults worship a myth.

Their regional and racial mythology is their religious truth.

To this cultural deity they attribute higher powers, as and when they can or could. Thus holding, they fancy themselves to be endowed with the highest truth; which, by the way, comes from some kind of a force or fella behind a bush!

This mythological fairy tale they consider to be their religious duty to shove down every body else’s throat. Mostly by sword, as we learn from history. At other times, especially in the present times when conquering other people by force cannot be openly done and is not condoned, the same is accomplished otherwise - by pompous propaganda and pooh-poohing the beliefs of other people; who, of course are all of us, the infidels!

Christianity, and its interconnected Semitic ideologies, are based on blind belief. These isms are not founded upon one’s self realization and own self discovery about the Origin of things.

That is, a personal metaphysical journey of fact-finding about the Divine Truth and Ultimate Reality by using one’s own god-given brain and inner spiritual grain, is a strict no-no and an absolute taboo for the adherents of all Semitic religions, more so and especially of Christianity.

These poor people have to but blindly believe and hold true that which has been told them by their stone-age minded ancestors. And by similarly other fancied messianic entities - whether it is the unreal and unscientific idea of the earth standing still, or the sun rotating around it!

Not for them is to seek and find by their very own self as to what is or is not the truth and reality of the cosmic essence and existence.

To Christians, their handed down cultural and racial myth is the truth.

This kind of non-intellectual and irrational attitude further discourages a personal search of and about That Which Is.

Consequently, and effectively, because of  being dictatorially barred from an incisive, in depth and an independent intellectual and metaphysical pursuit by one’s own self, the people of Semitic faiths seem to have fallen behind in gaining a higher metaphysical perspective and knowledge of the nature of the human soul and spirit, as too the conspicuously present and undeniable inner consciousness within us.

Christians think the physical bodily being survives death, and enters an empirical heaven, wherein they will physically live forever. And that they will thus live eternally along with their near and dear ones in this imagined heaven - all because they all profess a belief in their fancied idea of Jesus, the person, being God himself.

Of course, all others, the non-believers as you and I, are to be cast into hell. Supposedly we of every other kith and kind are but fit only to burn therein forever, unto eternity. And physically so, with our bodily human-like structure and being in tact.

Thus, as such Christianity has really and truly no idea or concept of the soul as being a metaphysical entity entirely separate from our physical being.

It seems, to the Christians the soul is a permanent physical entity in the make and image of the human self. Therefore, de facto it is the bodily being of the human-self itself. And that it, this very physical person and soul, suffers in hell or enjoys heaven.

Their god too is a human-like entity, just like they are.

The ‘Holy Spirit’ or ‘Holy Ghost’ that is their ‘Heavenly Father’, he also is such. For, in turn, this 3–in-1 god of Christianity is held to be very much the bodily form and physical being of Jesus.
So, better believe the Christian lore lest you’re cast unto eternal hell-fire, love!

The self-realized truth and metaphysical reality of That Which Is, as discovered by the sufis, yogis and free mystics of the world - outside of Semitic faiths - is the exact opposite of what the common lot of Christians in general hold true.


The body dies. The divine ‘is-ness’ within, does not.

Let us, for the time being, call it soul.

This said ‘am-ness’ of ‘is-ness’ - the conscious soul, so to say - keeps birthing and dying, as an empirical entity, lower or higher. This goes on ad infinitum. Until of course the time comes when it is blessed by Divine Grace. Or it by itself realizes that verily it is not separate from ‘That’ which is the IT of the Eternal Source; in turn, which, by itself is THAT WHICH IS.

Let us, for now, call this, ‘It’, God.

In other words, as the core and crux of its primordial essence within the ‘I AM’ of our innate empirical structural make-up and bodily being, abides the ethereal IT-NESS of Universal / Cosmic Consciousness.

It is the ever-alive, ever conscious eternal essence of Whatsoever Is.

As an empirical fact, eventually this is exactly what a worthy seeker of That Which Is / God finds, as the Final or End Reality.

That it, the ‘chosen one’ among the seekers of What Is, in due karmic time by self discovers physically and literally that one’s innate essence and consciousness are ‘ONE’ with the ‘THAT’ of WHAT IS.

(As has been told afore, this self-realization process is akin a drop of water within the sea coming by the final understanding and self-realization that verily it by self is H2O, which in turn is also the fathering and mothering principle of the sea).

And that whatsoever exists is but a wholeness, a oneness. In ‘it’, there is no this or that, nor any creator nor created- as a matter of fact.

All is ‘One’. As whole of the Whole. One Whole.

It seems that the Christians think the soul and the human bodily self are one and the same. Alternatively, the enlightened perspective of the higher metaphysics is that the human being and entity is like the outer garment, while the soul is the real thing which survives the death of the bodily human form.

Hence, self-realized sages of non-Christian tradition tell us that it is not the human being by itself but the ‘is-ness’, the soul within it, which takes on a bodily form and experiences this earthly life.

Yet, even this worldly experience is akin the wave going through the motions of ups and downs within its own essence, of the ocean. In fact it is but water playing with itself, as both the wave and the sea. For both the created and its creator are but water i.e. H2O. Thus it means that it is but the ocean (creator) playing with its own wave-self (creation). So, actually nothing is going on - as the water is but engaged in play-acting with itself, as H2O.

Similarly understood, it must be comprehended by discerning seekers that all existence is one whole. Its eternal essence is forever engaged in a divine play. Of the ocean-like higher self (universal soul) playing with its wave-like lower self (human soul). And vice versa.

The moment - in enlightenment / self realization / god realization /revelation - it comes to pass as a physical self-experience that in fact nothing is going on in existence but the cosmic essence eternally toying with its own self, the “I and my Father are One” is grasped as the ULTIMATE TRUTH and REALITY.

This ever ETERNALLY CONSCIOUS SELF ESSENCE is both the soul-self as well as the universal self. IT, in quintessence, is both the created and the Creator. It is One. As both the Essence within us, as too of the Cosmos and the Universe. It is the lower as well the higher self. Nay! In fact all is one self.

Therefore, no soul but all soul is! All one is! No other than ‘it’ is.

Nothing is separate from the other, in Essence. So, be it Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or what have you, all are none other than each other!

Thus, viewed from a ‘single eye’, the enlightened perspective is - when I see you, I see no other than me! Now, if I am you, who are you?

To so find is the Final Goal.

O’ soul of souls.

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