Conscientious “evolving” human beings are few and far in-between.
The awareness that out of “No Thing at All” has evolved Everything that was, is and will be is fantastic. Yet, fallacious.
The “No-Thing” implies “nothing”.
It is untrue.
The "Father" & The "Creator" of “everything” is neither “a thing” nor “no thing”. And, certainly is not “no thing at all”. It is “something” beyond simple, simplistic definitions.
We need “evolve” from Simple Simon to Spiritual Solomon.
It requires, conscientiously, getting rid of “Simple Simon”. This demands, we neither over simplify nor overtly “sci-fi” That Which Is.
Afore said “No Thing At All” is not some “zero” of Science.
Evolutionary Theory or “Big Bang” Hypothesis etc. has relevance in this “earthly” realm. This “illusion” does not exist “There”. At “The” End.
So, what is “IT” that can bring “Conscious Evolution”: The Integration of Science & Spirituality?
It is, consciously, “attaining” Buddha-hood/Knowing that Science & Spirituality are siblings. One can be used to “seek” and “find” the other. There is no rivalry betwixt them. As they “evolve” in stature and “Nature”, both could “get” The Answer.
It is simple.
From “Self” arises “non-self”. Once “illusion” of manifestation ends; the non-self “settles” unto The Self. As if “it” never was. Therein, “It” remains: as “Self” of All That Is. Until “karma” decides it is time to “manifest” again.
This “Evolution” is Never Ending.
Yet, is “no thing”, “nothing” and “no thing at all”.
Is All in One.
The End!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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