Jul 2, 2017

Did God create the man first and only afterwards the woman, as some religions advocate?

This is the simplistic view of misogynists, and simpletons of dark ages.
Unfortunately, women are still held to be an inferior lot by a large number of “manly” religious nuts within this silly world populace, to date.
Not that any religion is especially exempt for such lowly thoughts!
But largely, the women are yet not accorded an equitable and a well-deserved respectful place mainly owing to the retrograde teachings of the supposedly “holy” divination of the faiths that have ruled the world in the past hundreds and thousands of years. As too, now days.
It is their majority view, being in majority, that is spread and held worldwide true.
As of today, about 55% of the world population follows Islam, Christian and Judaism. By 2050, PEW Research estimates this number - of people following Abrahamic faiths - shall increase to 63% of the world populace.
All the above said religions and their books, their beliefs and superstitions are spread throughout the world. Namely, the Bible, Quran and Talmud/Torah all consider woman to be birthed after man, and brought into being from the rib of man; hence, is inferior to man.
Thus they believe their tribal god - Jehovah, and Allah - did.
That is, more than half of the world - if they absolutely and truly believe in their prophets, faith, and their fancied god must hold women to be born after man, from man, and therefore, inferior to man. Sans dithering, or doubt!
For, their messiahs, books, and their inherited god held it so.
Your question too has arisen out of this “passed on” dogmatism. Handed out “second-hand”, without first-hand knowledge, knowingly as too unknowingly, from generation to generation, father to son, ism to schism - and, from “them” to you.
Though, now, commendably, in a rather freethinking mode, you somehow seemed to have manged to wonder about this silly precept of your ancestors. And rightly so.
For, it is an untruth - of woman being created after man, by God.
So, what is the Truth? What is Creation? And pray, who the hell is God? Or is there any, one nor many? And what are the essential, existential and quintessential difference between the “make” of man and woman, if any?
This Pandora’s box must be opened to get to the answer to your question.
Are you ready for “It” - the truth, and nothing but the Truth?
Okay then, here it goes, the metaphysical truth of What Is:-
  1. There is no man-like god, namely, Jehovah or Allah, “out there”.
  2. All visions of gods, goddesses, hell or heaven etc. “die” in Gnosis.
  3. Visions of this-that god are a common experience in mundane meditation.
  4. At the End only One, Unified Whole is found “alive”, in enlightenment.
  5. Being One Whole, the entire existence, and the creatures thereof, are identical in “make”.
  6. Since All is One at the core essence, it follows that no one is superior to the other - neither born of another nor before or after the other.
  7. All existence, quintessentially and metaphysically, is a Single Unbreakable, Inseparable Cosmic Unit, forever bound in Unity and Oneness. Therefore, All is One. So are we all. Hence, ye are all gods! Or none is!
It is time we seek, and self-realize the ‘That’ of Which Is.
And not depend upon a second-rate, a second-hand, a superstitiously and superciliously seconding of bullish blind beliefs of a silly and a stupefied people of dark ages.
In a nutshell, one must grow up!
And get the ‘It’ of What Is.