Jun 6, 2010

Redefining Life: God Need Not Apply

How do we define “LIFE”?

Science has thus far discovered that “STUFF” of LIFE and NON-LIFE is same. Does that rule out GOD?

From a commonplace and a simplistic point of view, having found no essential difference in ATOMIC STRUCTURE between Life and Non-Life, scientists may as well claim there is nothing DIVINE or GODLY about “ALIVE” humanity and non-living beings. In other words, this LIFE is just a CHEMICAL/PHYSICAL ACTION-REACTION taking place, without THE DIVINE or GOD playing any role.

This may well be true. But it would be a superfluous truth.

There is more to GOD or DIVINITY than a normal human being and a scientist defines both. The Western Scientists, and, therefore, most Atheists, influenced by the prevalent LOWER MODERN SCIENCE, think there is nothing divine about life. Thus, they denounce GOD.

These scientists and intellectuals could not be more wrong.

The FREE MYSTICS and YOGIS of INDIA have since the very beginning been informing us that ALL IS ONE WHOLE ALLNESS. In fact, there are freely available ANCIENT INDIAN YOGIC TEXTS for us to gainfully learn a thing or two even now. Therein THE SEEKER asks THE GURU that if ALL IS ONE SELF ESSENCE, does that mean even “SHIT is GOD?”

Thus, science, especially of West, has found nothing new. Eons ago, Free Mystics and Yogis of India found THE ULTIMATE TRUTH. Science is yet not THERE, to re-define LIFE.

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