Jun 4, 2017

Do we see Ghosts and Spirits after the opening of the Third Eye?

Firstly, let us be clear as to what is the Third Eye.
In yoga texts, it is said to be located in between the eyebrows, at the center, equidistant from both. And it is so mentioned that it can see beyond the normal human eye can, or does. Above ordinary sensory perception, and observation. Some say it can be opened by tantra practices, as too be yogic means.
However, it opens up by the Grace of What Is.
The blessed seeker in whom is bestowed such a vision, sees many a surreal thing. In fact, innumerable visions come to an advanced  seeker and devotee. To the one 'chosen', so is said.
But if at all visions of ghosts or spirits come to any, then, they are of the mind-made kind. For, it takes a long time, sometimes a lifetime, at other times after an uncountable lifetimes, for the Eye of the Shiva or the Third Eye to open fully.
Before it does, a plethora of visions may come of the lower kind. They do so to the metaphysically cockeyed. Not to a fully opened Third Eye.
In the Absolute Vision of the Single Eyed, the Third Eye witnesses no ghosts or spirits. For such are the projections of the mind of an unripe seeker. In the 'born again' devotee, the really sincere kind, cosmic beatitudes come. As similarly, one may say, comes the dawn.
Most self-appointed messiahs fail here. At this level itself.
They fall prey to the mind-made fancies, and its projected 'lower' visions. Such as angels, fairies, a hell or a heaven, ghosts and spirits. And of imbibed, inherited, and fancied idea of a man-like god, or gods.
Little realizing that they are yet in the beginning stages of their metaphysical search, they mistakenly think they have attained to the highest. Thus, failing at the very onset.
Herein, man-made religions, and mind-made gods are born.
Thus, a spiritual seeker must be up to date with the pitfalls along the way. But unfortunately, the god-men of earlier times, having had little or no training in higher metaphysical truths and teachings, seemed to have become dogmatic little sods. As crude, cruel and crass as their imaginary gods.
In a nutshell, neither ghosts nor spirits, gods nor angels, not hell or heaven pass muster at the End, in a genuinely opened Third Eye.
All else is a lie.

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